Featured Presenter Announcement

I am honored to announce that I will be a Featured Presenter at ConVocation 2023, taking place over the weekend of February 23rd in Michigan. I invite you all to attend.

ConVocation is one of my favorite events. It is the largest and longest running magic-related convention in America by a fairly large margin, and the attendance generally hovers around a thousand. It is one of several initiatives of MEC, the Magical Education Council; and the staff leading both the con and the organization have earned my affection and loyalty over the decade and change that I’ve known them. I am proud to be their friend, supporter, and in recent instances unofficial helper.

I’ve been given a special status of Featured Presenter this year (and in a few prior) in recognition of my special contributions to the magical community at large and of Michigan’s in particular,; as well as my effectiveness as a magician and lecturer. Only a select few of the many lecturers, entertainers and ritualists at ConVocation ever get to be Featured Presenters — and so this is one of the greatest honors a practitioner of the arcane can receive in America today. I am grateful to again be considered so worthy.

Now for the fun part: I am also known for throwing parties in many different social contexts. My parties at ConVocation are salons where the most elite of magical practitioners meet with their most intelligent and devoted of fans. Absinthe is rare, Fireball is almost mandatory, and always expect the unexpected. But I promise the next ones will be extra special treats. We surely need to blow off a little steam after such a long absence from our friends.

In the meantime, I am making preparations for my lectures, which will be announced separately so they can be shared with the specific communities that may have interest. ConVocation has always been a social space where controversial topics are broached with responsibility but without fear. After a gap of time rendered necessary by the pandemic, I wish to make up for lost time with quality over quantity. The lectures I have planned will be truly unforgettable.

6 responses to “Featured Presenter Announcement”

  1. Clifford I am so excited about this post but I can’t wait until February 2023 to hear from you , your practices and magical news. I have listen to all your you tube presentations, if you will give classes please let me know

  2. Will these lectures be recorded and posted to youtube? I would like to attend but at the moment seems highly unlikely.

    1. Clifford Hartleigh Low Avatar
      Clifford Hartleigh Low

      Possibly. Possibly not.

  3. Good evening sir, is it possible for you to make a post about malefic planetary talismans (moon in scorpio talisman, mercury in pisces, etc.) and how we could use them as weapons against enemies?

    Thank you in advance!

    1. Clifford Hartleigh Low Avatar
      Clifford Hartleigh Low

      I’m happy to discuss such matters, but not in the short term due to thorny scene politics.

    2. Clifford Hartleigh Low Avatar
      Clifford Hartleigh Low

      There’s very little I can add to that topic, other than to reaffirm the admonition not to keep such devices in your home or workplace before deployment. I have made such items in the past, but not for many, many years.

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