Welcome, and Thank You

Welcome to those of you visiting because of a series of very kind and generous compliments posted elsewhere by my friend and teacher Magus Christopher Warnock of RenaissanceAstrology.com.

Praise from someone whom I respect most profoundly and whose amazing work has changed my life so much, means more than I can begin to express. He is both an excellent and brilliant person and one of the most accomplished magicians alive. It is a great privilege to know him and call him a friend and colleague.

Newcomers: Don’t be scared off by the spooky trappings here. I promise, I won’t bite.

Brush aside the cobwebs and bear in mind that without a little darkness, no one could ever see the stars shine.

In terms of navigation, if your interest is exclusively astrological and talismanic my posts labeled “Astrology” and especially “Scholastic Image Magic” will be be what you are looking for. For all practical purposes, Scholastic Image Magic or SIM is a more academic term for Renaissance Magic and what I use here.

And thank you, Chris. For everything.

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