Astrological Magic: Aldebaran, The Ring of Fortune

[Here’s a draft section of the unpublished booklet I had been preparing for my presentations this past year on Ancient Stellar Magic, covering the Ring of Fortune, a talisman of the fixed star Aldebaran.]

Aldebaran: The Ring of Fortune




Milky thistle seed put under a carbuncle [AKA red garnet, or a ruby –CL] with the character shown [engraved on it –JMG], with the Moon conjunct [Aldebaran and –JMG] the Ascendant or Midheaven, increases riches and brings great honors. (Hermes)

Under Aldebora, they made an image after the likeness of God, or of a flying man. (Agrippa)

Currently located at 9 Gemini 56.

Simply put, Aldebaran is the ring for fame and fortune. Not everybody wants to be rich and famous; but if you do, this might just be the ring for you.

Aldebaran is a Royal Star, granting leadership and prominence to those born under its influence, and is associated with the Archangel Michael. Like Michael, Aldebaran is generally understood to be a valiant foe of darkness and evil.

This star is the eye of the constellation Taurus, quite possibly even the origin of the phrase Bull’s Eye; signifying precise success, hitting a target, and martial prowess. The star itself is of a pinkish-red hue, commonly signifying an aggressive quality. It is from this coloration that most probably the stones used for the Ring of Aldebaran are of strong reddish color.

It is unusual that a star with a somewhat pugnacious reputation would be used in a magic ring for success. My own opinion is that this is an acknowledgement that for one person to rise to fame and prosperity, sometimes this occurs at the expense of others.

Nevertheless, this is a positive star, even perhaps a holy star, and I am of the opinion that those others in this context are the pretenders, the unsuitable, the corrupt, or those who acquired their prominence through deceit or other profound injustice, who must first be toppled for the noble and wise to rise and take their rightful places.

The problem in making this ring is that the stones listed each have downsides. Garnet is the less expensive, but it tends to be brittle. A chipped talisman will eventually cease to function. Rubies of course are expensive, and nearly as hard as diamonds.

My own feeling is that ruby is the best option. One factor in the expense of rubies is the color, and the farther rubies stray from deep red the less expensive they are. Rubies with maroon, pink, or flame-orange color can be much less expensive.

11 responses to “Astrological Magic: Aldebaran, The Ring of Fortune”

  1. I have Venus conjunct to the minute with Aldebaran, do you think HE’ll take care of me? 🙂

    1. Since Aldebaran is of a Martial nature, I am not sure how well that configuration would work.

    2. The rules for fixed star talismans are different than the rules used by natal astrology. Often they have opposite meaning. I am much more familiar with the function of fixed stars in talismans.

  2. do u sell it?

  3. Can you elaborate on this one, Cliff? How long would you say, do the effects manifest? And what are they? And also, what I’m struggling with the most, how do you perform a consecration of the fixed star election? Many thanks.

    1. Clifford Hartleigh Low Avatar
      Clifford Hartleigh Low

      Fixed star talismans are slow to manifest and durable far beyond a human lifespan.

      Aldebaran procures fame and fortune. The specifics depend upon the paths of manifestation in your life; the riches aren’t going to appear in a puff of smoke in your living room, and you’re not going to be famous for no reason at all– though one wonders about the Kardashians.

      Once you create a fixed star talisman that’s enough to consecrate it.

      If you buy one, one needs an attunement ritual over a number of days. This connects you to its power and transfers the connection between the creator to that of the new owner.

  4. Gurpreet Khurana Avatar
    Gurpreet Khurana

    this year it looks like Aldebaran will be on ASC on Sept 29, 2018, the day of Michaelmas or St. Michaels day (around 9:30 PM). Your thoughts?

    1. Clifford Hartleigh Low Avatar
      Clifford Hartleigh Low

      Aldebaran is on the Ascendant every day, just like every other star and planet.

  5. Hi.I have an aldebaran in with Mars in Gemini. I made such a tattoo. How does this affect?

    1. Clifford Hartleigh Low Avatar
      Clifford Hartleigh Low

      It does absolutely nothing at all, except perhaps prompts people to ask you what it means.

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